Altea Energy
Starting date ASAP 2024
Duration8 months
LocationPau, France with possible business trips to Lacq and Lyon
Status Residential
Context & Environment
As part of its R&D strategy, Company is exploring innovative solutions for the monitoring and instrumentation of multi-energy industrial sites. More specifically, the R&D project entitled “SMARTY” studies the applications of micro/nano technologies, dense sensor networks and telemetry for all the company’s business sectors, with a view to optimizing the performance, safety and efficiency of energy systems, as well as reducing their environmental impact. We are therefore looking for a service provider with experience in monitoring projects with a strong technological and experimental component, to support SMARTY’s extensive cross-functional research portfolio, in order to test and qualify solutions currently under development.
Mission/Service Dimensions
- Experimental lifecycle management: understanding the entire process from instrument selection in line with specifications, through to qualification, testing, verification, and the drafting of summary reports (project progress, bibliography), meeting minutes and presentation of results and progress to stakeholders.
- Define requirements in collaboration with R&D departments, and act as technical point of contact for various stakeholders.
- Instrument set-up: Select and test measurement and control equipment adapted to the specific conditions of wind power systems (and other renewable energies) as well as hybrid systems, CCS and O&G.
- Creation, implementation and management of monitoring tools.
- Ensure that actions are carried out on time and in compliance with HSE rules.
- Carry out project risk analysis (risk matrices).
- Assistant project manager.
- A monthly report will be submitted to the technical contact.
Objectives & Deliverables
In liaison with Company R&D project managers, develop advanced monitoring and laboratory testing solutions. Tasks cover all of Company’s multi-energy activities: upstream (well and pipeline monitoring, flow assurance), downstream (application of nanotechnologies), sustainable development (well integrity for CO2 storage, hydrogen applications, etc.), environmental applications (gas leak detection using spectral imaging) and a particular focus on renewable energies (wind systems, distributed energy systems, Solar, etc.).
These tasks involve laboratory and field testing, mainly in Pau and Lacq, but also in Lyon, the Paris region and other sites in France.
Qualifications & Experience Required
- Writing specifications – Confirmed
Cross-functional engineering
- Implementation and monitoring of planning (critical path, milestones, variances, etc.) – Confirmed
- Take charge of project management and steering – Confirmed
- Interface management -Confirmed
- English / Anglais Professional
To apply for this job please visit altea-energy.com.
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