Role: Project Manager
Location: Vienna – Austria
Type: Permanent
Skills & Responsibilities:
· Ensuring HSSE goals, objectives and targets are met through personal leadership and involvement.
· To provide effective direction and co-ordination of Project activities and PMT resources and to report on PDP/FEED/EPC Contractor performance to Project senior management.
· Responsible for all management aspects, and the day-to-day work allocation and supervision of the PMT resources.
· To provide leadership in the development and implementation of processes, procedures and systems for the timely
delivery of Engineering, Procurement and Construction services by the PDP/FEED/EPC Contractor.
· To ensure the PMT is resourced with the correct disciplines and size to deliver the Project requirements – e.g. the safe delivery and handover of the Project, sustainably, safely, on time, within budget, ensuring that a quality product is produced that represents ‘best value’ for the client and their Stakeholders.
· To ensure that PMT personnel are competent to perform their duties relating to the scope of work as identified in the Contract.
· To provide Project Management knowledge and expertise, technical guidance, and advice related to short falls, recovery plans, minimizing potential risks and monitoring of overall Project progress.
Principal Accountabilities: –
· Ensuring that PDP/FEED/EPC Contractor complies with all contractual requirements.
· Direction of PMT resources, ensuring that clear goals are set for all PMT personnel and these are aligned to the Project.
· Ensuring that personnel resources are sufficient and competent to execute the work.
· Initiate and manage Project continuous improvement processes.
· Establish effective communication interfaces with PDP/FEED/EPC Contractors, Sub-contractors and other key stakeholders for the Project.
· Establish cost and progress management systems, reporting methods and procedures consistent with the PDP/FEED/EPC Contract requirements and ensure delivery in a timely manner.
· Arrange co-ordination meetings with the PDP/FEED/EPC Contractors on a regular basis.
· Issue progress and information reports to Project senior management as required and receive and distribute to the PMT all relevant communications with adequate guidance where action by others is required.
· Lead initiatives for cost saving and business efficiency improvements to deliver optimum commercial performance.
· Functional management, ensuring systems are in place to manage holidays, expenses, and training and performance evaluation.
· Leading and participating in value engineering workshops for optimizing scope and design. Participating in Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Project Health, Safety and Environment Review (PHSER), EIA and HSSE exercises for the Project during Engineering and Procurement phases of the scope of work.
· Develop and implement Project Management procedures and work practices.
· Provide notification of any potential commercial risk or opportunity to the Project Director for further action.
· Develop a good team spirit within the PMT and encourage team working with the PDP/FEED/EPC Contractors.
· Provide Project Management input into PMT forums, discussion groups, new initiatives etc. as required.
· Undertake Project Technical Safety Audits as required.
Your knowledge/skills, education, and experience:
· Bachelor’s degree in engineering or equivalent
· Similar relevant experience in the oil & gas industry
· Functional management, leadership and teambuilding skills
· Good written and verbal communication skills
· Excellent cultural awareness
To apply for this job please visit digital.leap29.com.