Russia’s refined oil product exports to Singapore to hit highest this year in May, traders say

“The refinery (attack) impact wanes off through May and June, which is why we may expect higher exports from Russia,” said Armaan Ashraf, global head of natural gas liquids at FGE. He was referring to drone attacks by Ukraine on oil processing facilities in Russia since the start of the Ukraine war.

Naphtha imports from Russia into Singapore rose in April to their highest this year at 329,955 tons. That pushed Singapore’s total naphtha imports for April to 998,408 tons, up from 920,626 tons a year earlier, data from Enterprise Singapore showed.

“The higher imports reflect blending demand for naphtha ahead of peak gasoline demand season in summer,” a Singapore-based petrochemical trader said.

Naphtha can be blended directly into gasoline or refined to make blending components to meet octane specifications.

Rosneft’s export-oriented Tuapse oil refinery, one of the largest in Russia’s south, resumed processing earlier this month, with loadings expected to rise by about 16% to 180,000 tons in May as it restarts exports, according to trade estimates.

Novatek, meanwhile, plans to start test operations for a new 3 million metric tons-per-year processing unit at its gas condensate complex in the Baltic Sea port of Ust-Luga in mid-June, which could enable it to increase naphtha exports to between 550,000 and 600,000 tons a month from 350,000 to 370,000 tons currently, Reuters calculations show.

Novatek produces naphtha mostly for Asia, including China, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia.

In the first week of May, Russian naphtha was around $8 per ton cheaper than naphtha from the Middle East, the top supplier to Asia. The gap had narrowed to about $5 in February after Red Sea war risk premiums drove up freight costs.

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For all of Asia, naphtha loadings from Russia are on track to reach about 700,000 tons, according to trade estimates as of May 8, compared to 950,000 tons in April. LSEG’s Krystal Chung expects May imports into Asia from Russia to hit a year-high of 850,000 tons.

FGE’s Ashraf said total Russian naphtha exports into Asia will reach 1.4-1.5 million tons levels in June, but the risk of more Russian refining capacity being subdued remains.

Ukraine’s drone attacks have disrupted 15% of Russia’s oil refining capacity this year, according to an estimate by a NATO official at the beginning of April.

Asia is structurally short of naphtha and relies on Northwest Europe, the Mediterranean and the U.S. to meet the shortfall of about 2 million tons per month.

However, Russia flooded Asian markets with its naphtha last year after Western sanctions on its oil product exports upended trade flows, keeping margins subdued due to high supplies amid sluggish demand. Russia accounted for 25% total naphtha imports into Asia in 2023, ship-tracking data from Kpler showed.

Reporting by Mohi Narayan, additional reporting by Natalia Chumakova; Editing by Susan Fenton – Reuters

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